April/May 2020
During the state’s ordered school building closure in response to COVID-19, Menlo Park Academy has put the following remote learning plan in place for students.
Teachers will provide each student at least 5 hours of learning per day – that may include presentations, activities, quizzes, projects, videos, or other materials.
Students should access their work on Google Classrooms. Students should log into their student Menlo PArk Academy email to access their assigned classrooms.
We will continue to provide our students with material that engages higher level thinking and challenges them appropriately.
Teachers will present at least 5 hours of learning per day
Lessons will include but are not limited to links to teacher-created video, voice threads, slides, assignments, projects, activities, virtual tours, on-line tutorials, read-alouds
Instruction will include delivery of our full programs – 4 main core subjects, encore, and electives.
Students on 504s and IEPs will continue to receive services for all SPED & 504 students.
Teachers will have active touchpoint (video, chat, or email) with students in their homeroom or advisory each day.
Advisory check-in or morning meeting will occur daily. This will be used for attendance, except for K/1 students who will have until 10pm to check-in daily. Every student must check-in, whether through chat, direct message, or google form, as directed by the teacher.
Additional one-to-one interaction will be available during office hours.
Teachers will be online every day, including 2 hours of office hours. The balance of time will be used to plan lessons and grade online work
Counseling staff will continue a guidance program to support students’ social / emotional needs.
Each counselling staff member will hold regular office hours and are available to students for one-on-one support by phone and email
The staff will support students through online discussions and chats and formal guidance lessons to be shared with Advisories
Social groups will also be introduced for groups of students in grades K-5
The counseling staff will design programs in response to students’ needs as we move forward