Below is a list of retailers that help support Menlo Park Academy. If you shop any of these merchants, please take time to register your shopping card online so partial proceeds of your purchase benefit Menlo Park Academy.
Help us reach our earning goal of $2,000 this school year by clipping and scanning. You can clip the familiar pink Box Tops on your favorite products or scan your receipts for even more Box Tops rewards. For more information on the Box Tops for Education program, including a list of participating products and our school’s progress, click here.
Acme Fresh Market’s Community Cash Back Program offers rebate checks for receipts collected between August and December. You must have a minimum of one bundle of $1,500 in qualifying product purchases to participate. (This is the “Cash Back” amount listed on the bottom of the register receipt tape.) Additional bundles can be in lesser amounts. An online rebate form needs to be filled out in February following the collection timeline. For more information, click here.